The friendship between Sagalassus and the Romans
Los 1471
PISIDIA. Sagalassus. Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270. 10 Assaria (Bronze, 33 mm, 18.65 g, 1 h). AY•K•M•AYP•KΛAYΔIO Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius II to right, seen from behind; before bust, I (mark of value). Rev. CAΓAΛACCЄΩN•PΩMAIΩN Clasped right hands; above, A within wreath. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Leyold -. SNG Paris -, cf. 1858-1859 (differing reverse legend arrangement). SNG PFPS -. SNG von Aulock -, cf. 5208-5209 (differing reverse legend arrangement). Very rare and in exceptional condition for such a late Provincial issue. Boldly struck and with a very interesting reverse. Light corrosion on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

Unlike many coastal cities, which suffered heavily from the Gothic invasions in the mid 3rd century, the inland city of Sagalassus continued to flourish in the 3rd and 4th centuries and remained a wealthy community well into Byzantine time. It had one of the last operational Provincial mints and struck considerable quantities of large bronze coins in a time when most other mints in Asia Minor ceased production. This very rare issue was struck under Claudius II: its reverse with the clasped right hands praises the friendship between the people of Sagalassus and the Romans (CAΓAΛACCЄΩN PΩMAIΩN), whereas the A = 1 in a wreath above refers to the honorary title ΠΡΩTHΣ ΠΙΣΙΔΩN, 'first [city] of Pisidia'
500 CHF
400 CHF
1400 CHF
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